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Lord thank you for your blessings last night i needed your strength & love thank you lord Jesus christ Amen

Holy Mary. Mother of all Christians, pray for us.🙏 — Sacred heart of Jesus enfold us in your love.❤️‍🔥

Lord we thank you that the Pope’s health is improving ❤️‍🩹


Lord thank you for our daily bread please protect me lord please give me peace & look after me holy father amen

I’d like you to pray for an old man I see in the supermarket from time to time. He is filthy dirty, his clothes are heavily soiled, black with ingrained dirt and grime. Today I saw him shopping, counting the few coins he pulled from his pocket trying to work out whether he had enough money for a can of tinned fish. (When he wasn’t looking, I dropped a fiver into his shopping trolley). I’ve never seen him begging and I didn’t want to give it to him directly, as I thought it may hurt his pride. Please pray and do what you can to help people like this, old men who are filthy dirty tend to be looked down on, and are the last to gain any sympathy from the public. Don’t cross the road and look the other way, instead help if you can and pray for the person. God of Justice, open our eyes to see you in the face of the poor. Open our ears to hear you in the cries of the exploited. Open our mouths to defend you in the public squares as well as in private deeds. Remind us that what we do to the least ones, we do to you. Amen.


Please Pray for Bridget. Sadly gone and badly missed

Richard & Rose

Please Pray for Hilda. Recovering in Hospital from a stroke. Hoping for a speedy recovery


Lord thank you for been with me in need of help & peace my love of the holy father is important now Amen Steven


In Jesus name lord please pray for me during my Uncertain times at this moment please be by my side day & night & give me help & your strength to continue in hope & light forever now at this time holy father i need you help daily i need to be at peace amen Thank you lord God


Lord be with in my days & weeks ahead please look after my health & family lord Jesus Christ amen


Lord Please pray for me & be with during this period of heart breaking time please be my light holy father & let me be okay soon Lord my faith has never been stronger lord be with me Always now i need your help please protect me Amen 🙏


Please continue to pray for the Pope, and that God’s will be done. Amen ✝️
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