Summer Activities
Visit Exeter Cathedral this summer for a range of fun activities for all the family.

Read’s Revelation: Exeter Cathedral’s Summer Play on the Green
Every Monday from 29 July – 26 August from 2pm-2:15pm
Set a few days before the strike on Exeter Cathedral, Read’s Revelation is based on the fascinating story of Devon craftsman, Herbert Read, whose dream and subsequent warnings to the Dean of Exeter, led to a remarkable effort to save the cathedral’s famous medieval Bishop’s Throne canopy from imminent destruction. This event is free and is generously supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Find out more >
Summer Activities on the Green
Every Monday from 29 July – 26 August from 2:15pm-4:15pm
Enjoy free family friendly activities on Cathedral Green.
Monday 29 July – Paint your own Illuminated Letter
Monday 5 August – Rag Rug Making
Monday 12 August – Double Elephant Paper and Print Project: Make Your Own Piece of Handmade Paper
Monday 19 August – Medieval Tile Making
Monday 26 August – Woodcarving Demonstrations
Make Your Own Sea Shell Turtle & Pilgrimages Activity Sheet
Every Wednesday from 31 July – 28 August, 10am-12pm
Get creative this summer and make a sea shell turtle using a scallop shell which is a common symbol of pilgrimage.
You can also pick up one of our free Pilgrimage Activity Sheets to learn more about pilgrimages including what they are and why pilgrims came to Exeter Cathedral to visit Bishop’s Lacy tomb. These activities are included in standard Cathedral admission. Find out more >