Holy Week and Easter 2025, at Exeter Cathedral
Join us for a full calendar of special services and family activities to take you through Holy Week and Easter.

Holy Week
Sunday 13 April: Palm Sunday
9.45am: Palm Sunday Procession with donkey. Gather at New Cut Gate, Cathedral Close, EX1 1EZ
10am: The Liturgy of Palm Sunday with Blessing of Palms and Reading of the Passion
4pm: Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday
Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 April
7.30pm in the Lady Chapel, Exeter Cathedral
Services for Holy Week with a series of addresses by The Right Revd Martin Shaw:
‘The Cost of Discipleship’ – The Passion of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Theologian and Dissident
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 to 1945) was a key founding member of The Confessing Church in Germany. Bonhoeffer focused on Christianity’s role in a secular world. Resisting Nazi dictatorship, including its genocidal anti-semitism, he was imprisoned, during which he wrote his most famous work through letters and papers. On being moved to a concentration camp, he was executed by hanging. Bishop Martin’s three addresses will be looking at what Bonhoeffer saw as the cost of being a disciple of Christ, which has even more significance in our time.
Thursday 17 April: Maundy Thursday
10.30am: Diocesan Chrism Eucharist
Preacher: The Right Revd Mike Harrison, Bishop of Exeter
7.30pm: Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
Preacher: The Right Revd Mike Harrison, Bishop of Exeter
Friday 18 April: Good Friday
1.30pm: The Liturgy of Good Friday
Preacher: The Right Revd Mike Harrison, Bishop of Exeter
7.30pm: Meditation with Words and Music for Good Friday, led by the St Peter’s Singers choir.
Sunday 20 April: Easter Day
6am: Easter Vigil
Preacher: The Right Revd Mike Harrison, Bishop of Exeter
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Choral Eucharist
Preacher: The Right Revd Mike Harrison, Bishop of Exeter
11.45am: Choral Matins
4pm: Choral Evensong with Installation of Choristers
Monday 21 April: Easter Monday
Services led by the Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers Association:
11.30am: Choral Eucharist
3.00pm: Choral Evensong
Family Fun Easter Activities
Easter Egg Hunt
Monday 7 April to Thursday 17 April
Grab your Easter Fun Trail Sheet for £1 at the Welcome Desk, hunt around the Cathedral for our hidden egg cut-outs, then claim your prize at the shop.

Spring Flower Crowns and Easter Crafts
Monday 7 April to Wednesday 9 April, 10am until 12 noon
Family fun seasonal craft activities in the Nave of Exeter Cathedral
Easter Basket Family Craft Activity
Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 April
Decorate your own Easter Basket at Exeter Cathedral!