An Appeal from the Dean…

By The Very Revd. Jonathan Greener

People value Exeter Cathedral in all sorts of ways:

  • as Devon’s best building
  • as the beating heart of Exeter
  • as their place of worship – regular or occasional – with world-class music
  • as a venue for concerts and lectures and educational activities
  • as an inspirational place to pray and reflect
  • as a social hub

As a valued supporter of the Cathedral, we know this wonderful place means as much to you as it does to us. But the coronavirus pandemic means that we have had to close our doors for the first time ever in peace time.

We are working hard to keep in touch in new ways during lockdown, including a varied programme of online worship, prayer, music, and pastoral support.

However, we now need your help to keep it going through this tough time when no one can come in, when our choristers and musicians cannot perform together, and our stalls are empty.

We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone, but if you can please make a donation to Exeter Cathedral today, we’ll be here for you once this is over.

Your donation will help ensure our long-term financial stability, and enable us to emerge ready to serve the people of Devon as we have done for a thousand years.

A donation of any size will be gratefully received and make an enormous difference.

Thank you so much for any support you are able to give.

We pray that you will stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you back to the Cathedral when we reopen!

Click here to find out how to donate >