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Author: Amy Haynes

Cathedral Nave
  • Cathedral News

Cathedral News – March 2022

“Cathedral News” is a monthly journal published by Exeter Cathedral. It contains a mixture of community notices, articles, photographs and events listings. Download Cathedral News…
  • Cathedral Life

Breathing Forests

By Canon James Mustard Last week, I was very fortunate to hear the premiere performance of “Breathing Forests” by the American composer Gabriella Smith. Written…
  • Cathedral News

Scientists in Congregations

By Canon Cate Edmonds  Scientists in Congregations are projects supported by ECLAS (Equiping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science). SiC aims to bring church…
  • Cathedral Life

Being Accountable

By the Revd Preb Julian Ould Within the Marriage Rite Preface we are told that Marriage ‘enriches society and strengthens community’. When I interview couples…