Canon Dr Mike Williams

From the Very Revd Jonathan Greener, Dean of Exeter:

I am delighted to announce that on 25 March, when we install James Mustard as Canon Precentor, we shall also install Dr Mike Williams as part-time Canon Treasurer.

You all know Mike well and the many gifts he brings to the cathedral. I for one, and the Chapter unanimously, were keen that these should continue to be brought to bear on the life of this cathedral. The capacity of our staff and clergy has been much diminished over the past year, and the bishop has agreed we need to rebuild these securely if we are properly to fulfil the huge potential this place has – to serve our congregations, along with the city, diocese and county.

One of our key responsibilities as the Chapter is to mitigate risk of all kinds, and I think this place is safer with Mike on board, particularly as we re-find our feet, and determine the right way forward. So I’m delighted Mike is staying on, and Gilly too of course, as I know you will be, and we look forward to his re-installation later this month.