Cathedrals Measure 2021: Notice of Formal Consultation

What is happening?
Exeter Cathedral is reviewing its Constitution and Statutes. The proposed Constitution and Statutes are now available for public consultation.

Why is this happening?
In 2017, a Church of England working group reviewed and made recommendations on the governance and regulation of all Church of England cathedrals. These recommendations formed the basis of the new Cathedrals Measure 2021 which was passed by the General Synod in 2018 and received Royal Assent in 2021. Under the Cathedrals Measure 2021, all Church of England cathedrals are required to become charities registered with the Charity Commission. This public consultation is a part of that process.

What will change, and how does this apply to Exeter Cathedral?
All Anglican cathedrals in England are required to prepare a new set of Constitutions and Statutes and must also apply to the Charity Commission of England and Wales (‘the Charity Commission’) for registration as a charity, supported by the Church Commissioners. Once registered by the Charity Commission, Exeter Cathedral will be co-regulated by the Church Commissioners and the Charity Commission.

How can I view the Constitution and Statutes?
A copy of this Consultation Notice, revised Constitution and revised Statutes can be viewed using the links below:

Consultation Notice
Revised Constitution
Revised Statutes

Printed copies of these documents are also available for viewing at Exeter Cathedral Office,
1 The Cloisters, Exeter EX1 1HS, from Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm.

When does the consultation close?
The consultation is open now and will close at 12pm on Tuesday 12 September 2023.

How can I comments on the revised Constitution and Statutes?
If you have any comments on the proposed changes, please email these to Catherine Escott, Cathedral Administrator, by 12pm on Tuesday, 12 September 2023, using the link below:

Thank you.

Catherine Escott
Cathedral Administrator
Exeter Cathedral

Date: 14 August 2023