Emergency Food

This is a particularly hard time for those living in food poverty.

Amongst these are those who are homeless. Happily Exeter City Council is working hard, together with others, to get them into temporary accommodation. But they are still reliant on the charity sector for food. St Petrock’s are coordinating what food provision is available in the city. Our Wednesday Kitchen volunteers – particularly Penny Harris and Rob & Helen Taverner – are providing Wednesday evening takeaway bags. They are also supplying food to those accommodated in hotels, hostels and at safe-sleep. A big thank you to them and others working in challenging circumstances.

In addition, Exeter Foodbank, is very short of supplies. Can you help? Many of us are still visiting the supermarket to shop. Exeter Guildhall Sainsbury’s – and many other other supermarkets – have a collection point near the checkout to contribute non-perishable items. Please give what you can.

The main Exeter Foodbank store is hosted by Rob and Helen Taverner, members of the cathedral congregation, at their farm. Shortly before the lockdown, Bishop Robert went to the farm to bless the new foodbank store. The story, including a great little video, is here: https://exeter.anglican.org/bishop-blesses-new-foodbank-warehouse/