Holy Week 2019 Talks – Easter and our Human Vocation

Talks by Canon Dr Mike D Williams, Canon Treasurer

In this world so tempted by despair there may be no other source of hope than trust in the God who has given us his word.” Timothy Radcliffe


Who am I? What should I do in life? What is the meaning of life? Humans have been asking themselves those question since the beginning of time. Each generation needs a new answer.

It can feel as Christians in our country that ‘we are like blacksmiths in the world of cars’, looking to be relevant to our neighbour. During Holy week the talks reflected on the question ‘What is the meaning of human life today in the context of the Easter story?’

Talk 1
The Bear and the Nun

Talk 2
Silence and Honey Cakes

Talk 3
Identity and Maypoles

Maundy Sermon:
Hessed – the kindness of love as deed

Good Friday:
Reflection – Courage and vulnerability

Easter Dawn:
Easter Sermon: the power of celebration