Installation of the 71st Dean of Exeter

The Very Revd Jonathan Greener was installed as the 71 st Dean of Exeter in a special service at the weekend.

Jonathan had previously been Dean of Wakefield, where he oversaw the biggest makeover of any English Cathedral in recent years.

Part of the service saw the new Dean being quizzed by the Cathedral’s most junior chorister, who (as part of the liturgy of the service) asked him: “Why have you come to this holy place?” and admonishes him to remember Jesus’ words that “whoever wants to be first must be made last and servant of all”.

Jonathan was joined by his wife Pamela, his parents and friends and clergy from Wakefield for the service, as well as clergy from across Devon.

In his first sermon, he told listeners that his priorities were to build a strong Christian community, work closely with the city, and serve the whole of Devon, in the hope that everyone in Devon would want to visit their Cathedral.

Jonathan is an executive member of the Association of English Cathedrals and is also a Church Commissioner.