Lockdown Services Confirmed

Following the government’s latest coronavirus lockdown restrictions, we have a new programme of physically-distanced and online services:


Monday – Saturday:

9am: Zoom Morning Prayer (Meeting ID: 847 6869 5587; Passcode 0250620)

1.15pm: Said Eucharist in the nave

11am-2pm: Cathedral open for Personal Prayer

5pm: Zoom Evening Prayer (Meeting ID: 892 3161 5055: Passcode 017840)



8am: Said Eucharist (BCP) in the nave, live-streamed on Facebook

9am: Zoom Morning Prayer (Meeting ID: 847 6869 5587; Passcode 0250620)

10am: Eucharist with Consort in the nave, live-streamed on Facebooktickets required

4pm: Evensong with Consort pre-recorded on Facebook

6pm: Zoom Sunday@6s (Meeting ID: 821 0092 7088; Passcode: 466066)