New plans for VE Day 75th Anniversary

Last Autumn great plans were laid for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day in Exeter. The whole of the city centre was to be a great party to evoke once more the euphoria brought by the arrival of peace, for part of the world at least. It was also to remind us that very many people, both in the services and in ‘civvie’ street took part in that great struggle and remained unsung heroes. The party must now wait but our thanksgiving and our remembrances should not be delayed. At Exeter Cathedral we were and still are determined to play our part.

On Friday 8th May we hope to put up on our website as many remembrances as we can of the Cathedral on VE Day 1945. As the years pass there are fewer who hold personal memories of the day but if you fall into that category, please contact Canon Ian Morter on [email protected] or Archdeacon David Gunn-Johnson on [email protected]. You may just want to tell us, or send photographs, or write a piece. We will be delighted to hear from you and will let you know how to get things to us. If you have tucked away somewhere a relative’s memorabilia and can share them with us in some way, please call. The fact that we are constrained and cannot do all we would is no reason to do less than we can.

Instead of a massive celebratory service in the Cathedral there will be a Diocesan Service of Thanksgiving which will be live streamed. Details and timings to follow.

Another way to mark the day will be the Big Picnic at home, and cathedrals around the country are joining in the event.

The Big Picnic for Hope is a personal, family-oriented way for communities around the country to come together.