Notice of Proposed Changes to the Mary Marriott Trust

Notice of Proposed Changes to the Mary Marriott Trust

The Mary Marriott Trust, a Minor Trust of Exeter Cathedral, was set up to provide assistance with school fees at Exeter Cathedral School. The current objects of the Trust are limited to assistance with school fees for the sons of clergy at Exeter Cathedral school.
The Dean and Chapter, who are the trustees, are proposing the following changes to the objects:
 1.) Assistance with the school fees of sons and daughters being educated at the Exeter Cathedral School of:
a) clergy of the Church of England; or
b) non-ordained Church of England licensed lay ministers.
2.) If and so far as in the opinion of the Trustees the income of the Charity cannot fully be applied in furtherance of the above, the Trustees may apply such income for the provision of bursaries for Exeter Cathedral School Choristers.
These proposals are currently open to public consultation. Please submit your comments for consideration by The Dean and Chapter, by email to: [email protected]
The closing date for comments is 4 August 2023. Thank you.