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Press releases, Cathedral blog and news from the Cathedral’s community.
  • Cathedral Life

The Gift of Hospitality

By Rev’d Canon Ian Morter Like many others, I enjoy both giving hospitality in my home and receiving hospitality from others. It is one of the fundamental…
  • Cathedral Life

Writing a New Chapter

The Exeter Cathedral 2020s Development Appeal is kindly supported by: Discover Our Next Chapter At Exeter Cathedral, we are writing a new chapter: an ambitious…
  • Cathedral Life

What’s Your Credo?

By Rev’d Phil Wales, Cathedral Deacon  Very early on Easter morning people gathered in the Cathedral’s quire to begin the Easter vigil. And of course, similar services…
  • Cathedral Life

Vegan Meringues

Vegan Meringues  By André de Mendonça A low-cost recipe using ingredients that are often thrown away. Ingredients and utensils100g of juice from a 400gm tin…