Re-opening for Worship from Sunday 5 July

We’re re-opening for worship from Sunday 5 July and looking forward to it enormously.


On Sundays, starting 5 July, there will be four services, all in the nave:

8am – Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer

10am – The Eucharist, Common Worship, with organ and singer – ticketed

12.15pm – The Eucharist, Common Worship, with organ and singer – ticketed

4pm – Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer, with organ and singer

For the 10am service, we shall place chairs at a distance of 1m.

At 12.15, we shall maintain a distance of 2m, for those who are more cautious about meeting with others.  Apart from this, it will be an exact re-run of the 10am service.

In the first instance, we are ticketing these two services, to help ensure that we don’t have to turn people away at the door – since we have to be rigorous in limiting the number of people inside.

Tickets are now available online. Please use the links below:

The 10am and 4pm services will also be live-streamed on Facebook for those who would prefer to join in at home.



Sunday@7 and Holy Ground will continue on Zoom until the beginning of September.


Weekday services (Monday-Saturday):

Morning Prayer will continue on Zoom at 9am each day.

There will be two daily services, both at the High Altar:

1.15pm – The Eucharist, Common Worship

5pm – Evening Prayer, Book of Common Prayer


If you are planning to attend one of our services, please be aware of the following measures to help ensure a safe environment:

  • People will be asked to sanitise their hands as they enter the Cathedral, and again as they queue to receive Holy Communion.
  • People are of course welcome to wear face coverings, though this may make Communion more complicated (since we are advised not to play about with a face mask once it is in place).
  • All the chairs used will be cleaned between services.
  • Holy Communion will be in one kind (i.e. just the consecrated wafer).
  • Sadly there can be no singing by the congregation, until the Government advises that this is a safe thing to do.
  • Paper service sheets will be taken away after the service. Any prayer books used will be quarantined before re-use.
  • As you will understand, we cannot open our WCs, and there will be no refreshments offered for the foreseeable future.
  • To allow the cleaning of the Cathedral, we shall have to ask people who want to socialise to move outside the Cathedral, and converse at a safe distance.

Thank you for your understanding — we can’t wait to see you again!