Rule of Life

Exeter Cathedral has developed a Rule of Life which invites us to notice and choose those habits in life that make us whole – that lead to God’s deepening life within and among us. It is the Rule of Life for a community and so acknowledges our belonging together. At the same time it is adaptable to a wide variety of situations; each person will need to put flesh on these bones and determine what this Rule means for themselves.

This is our Rule of Life:

As those who share in community at Exeter Cathedral, we commit ourselves to

  • worship with others, pray daily, and read the scriptures regularly
  • grow in faith and love for God, and discern where God is calling us
  • give of our time, energy, skills, and resources in service of one another and the world
  • care for ourselves as beloved children of God and be accountable for living this rule of life

More information can be found in our booklet.

If you would like to talk about this Rule of Life or commit to living it, please contact the Canon Chancellor [email protected]