Stonemason Owen is off to #StoneFest18

Stonemasons and carvers from across the UK and Europe showcase their skills during a weekend- long celebration of the ancient craft in York’s Dean’s Park this summer. Festival-goers will be able to see world-class stonemasons and carvers at work creating designs based on the theme ‘All creatures great and small’.

Exeter Cathedral stonemason Owen Whitfield has been in the profession for 9 years, is travelling to the event, which is hosted by the conservation team at York Minster. We caught up with him for the briefest of interviews ahead of the trip to Yorkshire.

What’s been the most exciting project you’ve worked on at Exeter Cathedral?

OWEN: Easily the South Pinnacle, and specifically my beast head. The project has recently finished, complete with a topping-out ceremony.

Why are you going to #StoneFest18?

OWEN: For the opportunity to free-carve a piece of sculpture that will challenge my skills and help develop my confidence as a carver. Also, pick up some tips, shoot the breeze and hook up with old friends I made whilst on the CWF (Cathedral Works Fellowship) course, and possibly make some new ones.

What are you looking forward to most?

OWEN: Hopefully making something that I can be proud of. Not to mention hanging out with 60+ stone carvers from all round the UK and Europe, it should be fun.