Thank You and Farewell

From Chapter, the Director of Music, and the Cathedral Community Committee

We were so sorry to say goodbye to Gordon Pike last year. It seems like a long time ago now, but Gordon actually retired on Easter Day, 2020. We were unable to mark his wonderful service because of lockdown restrictions but, finally, the time has come!

Gordon was a much valued member of the Cathedral Choir, serving successively as chorister, choral scholar, lay vicar and punctator, for over 40 years. Now though we can mark his departure in person, and we’re looking forward to saying our fond farewells at Evensong (4pm) on Sunday 19 September.

In May 2020, Timothy Noon, the Cathedral’s Director of Music, wrote, “In addition to his steadfast and utterly reliable presence in the choir, Gordon has also been an inspirational teacher to countless generations of choristers, a fabulous mentor to choral scholars, and a wonderfully supportive friend and colleague. His support of every aspect of Cathedral life, and his unparalleled institutional knowledge are such that, in his case, it would be fair to say he is irreplaceable.”

Chapter and the whole Cathedral Community want to thank Gordon for his outstanding contribution to the Cathedral. Not just his singing, but all that he has brought to the Cathedral and to the Cathedral Choir by his presence among us.

We hope for a large congregation on 19 September, when we will celebrate all that Gordon has done for the Cathedral over a glass of wine.

Should you wish to contribute to Gordon’s leaving gift, you can send send a donation to the Finance Department, Cathedral Office, 1 The Cloisters, Exeter EX1 1HS. Please mark the envelope ‘Gordon Pike’s Gift’, and make cheques payable to ‘The Dean and Chapter of Exeter’.

Alternately, you can donate via BACS (Dean and Chapter of Exeter, sort code: 56-00-49, account number: 00708526, using the reference PIKE).

Thank you for your support.