Thanks to the Friends for Funding Major Building Repairs

The recently repaired South Quire Clerestory windows

You may think that scaffolding is a permanent feature of Exeter Cathedral – and you would be correct – but it does move from time to time. It is with delight that Camilla Finlay, our architect, took some pictures recently of the South Quire Clerestory window repairs that can now be seen. Our team of masons have done a great job over the last year painstakingly replacing stone that was crumbling.


The Friends of Exeter Cathedral provide an annual grant to cover the salaries for our stonemasons along with money to pay for the scaffold erection and materials used. Without their generous and ongoing support this work would not be possible nor could we invest in developing the craft and skill of our stonemason team. We have a long-term project to work round from the south to north side of the Clerestory windows thanks to the commitment from the Friends.

During the period of lockdown we took the opportunity, again thanks to funding from the Friends, to repair one of the stain glass windows in the south side of the Nave. Rather than being bowed and ready to fall out we now have a flat and wonderfully clean window.

Work on the North Porch is progressing to clean and preserve the polychrome paint that was found after one of the statues was pulled off the wall by an over enthusiastic England football supporter. Funds for most of that work is coming from elsewhere but the Friends have agreed to pay for us to install glass in the doors. This will greatly improve the appearance of this entrance and we are grateful to all our funders for making this possible.

If you are not already a member of the Friends of Exeter Cathedral, please do consider joining as they make a hugely positive difference to the fabric and running of the Cathedral.