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  • Cathedral Life

Meissen Kommission

By Professor Morwenna Ludlow Two weeks ago I was privileged to visit Hannover as a member of the Meissen Kommission – a group continuing the…
  • Blog

Prisons Week

Prisons Week 2023 Sunday 8 – Saturday 14 October 2023 For more than forty years Prisons Week has prepared prayer literature to enable the Christian…
  • Cathedral Life

Pamela’s Parmesan Biscuits

By The Very Rev’d Jonathan Greener On the morning of Bishop Robert’s farewell, Pamela provided Parmesan Biscuits (about 600 in total) to accompany the bubbles. People…
  • Cathedral Life

Enough for Everyone

By Rev’d Phil Wales I still remember a time, decades ago now, when my mother accidently created momentary havoc in our family by a very…