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  • Cathedral Life

God’s Kingdom

A sermon preached at Choral Evensong on Sunday 30 April. As we prepare for the Coronation, Canon Chris Palmer reflects on God’s kingdom, and it’s…
  • Cathedral Life

Homemade Butter

Homemade Butter  By André de Mendonça Two for the price of one. Disgraceful marketing tactic by the supermarkets, of course, done to make you buy…
  • Cathedral Life

The Gift of Hospitality

By Rev’d Canon Ian Morter Like many others, I enjoy both giving hospitality in my home and receiving hospitality from others. It is one of the fundamental…
  • Cathedral Life

Writing a New Chapter

The Exeter Cathedral 2020s Development Appeal is kindly supported by: Discover Our Next Chapter At Exeter Cathedral, we are writing a new chapter: an ambitious…