Onwards & Upwards: August Tours

Explore Exeter Cathedral at ground level to discover its finest medieval features, before heading upwards, into its fascinating roof space. Walk high above the nave, along the vaulted ceiling, and learn about the ‘racking’ that might have resulted the complete destruction of the roof. You will also discover the lead room that was once used […]

Roof Tours: August

This fascinating behind-the-scenes tour takes you into the roof void, high above the Nave, the South Tower, the Lead Room, the Ringing Chamber and then through the spaces in the North Tower. If weather permits we extend the tour out onto the roof of the North Tower to enjoy some of the best views of […]

Romanesque to Gothic: August Tour

Romanesque to Gothic: August Tour Saturday 24 August at 1:30pm Take a closer look at Exeter Cathedral’s exterior and learn about its successive phases of building work, starting with a Norman Cathedral and culminating in the decorated Gothic Cathedral we can see today. Learn how its appearance has evolved over 900 years and discover the […]

Reformation Tour: August Tours

Reformation Tour: August Tours 3 August at 11:30am, 22 August & 27 August at 1:30pm The 16th century Reformation caused the greatest ever upheaval in the life and fabric of Exeter Cathedral. Begun under the reign of King Henry VIII, the break with Rome led to a complete rethinking of the way people related to […]

Stones & Bones: August Tours

Stones & Bones: August Tours 5 August at 1:30pm, 13 August & 27 August at 11:30am. Delve into the history of the Cathedral Green and explore the surrounds of Exeter Cathedral, by tracing their history from Roman time to the present day. Discover the secrets of Exeter’s cemetery (you may be surprised) and uncover the […]