Art Visits

Art in the Cathedral

Suitable for: KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4
Duration: Options for two hours or four hours
Cost per Pupil: £3 Half Day (two hours)
or £7 Full Day (four hours)

The tour will take you on a guided trail around the Cathedral where students will be encouraged to observe and respond to a variety of materials and artefacts and decorations. These might be in the form of carvings, objects, paintings, patterns, textiles and designs.  There are many cathedral artisans working together to adorn this lovely building – stonemasons, glaziers, tapisers, florist and artists. We will be exploring the value of art in a sacred space and what is planned for future displays.

  • Explore how decorative art forms help Christians to pray and worship.
  • Find out what is the relevance of the Icon and how it is made.
  • Look at the images depicted in the stained glass windows. How do they tell or story, how can we work out who made them or how old they are?
  • Explore important furnishings such as the lectern, altar, pulpit, Bishops Throne, and tombs.

Links: Art, History, PSHE/RE/RSE/SMSC

The Reformation (16th Century changes to the life and fabric of Exeter Cathedral)

Suitable for: KS3 & KS4
Duration: Flexible but typically 60 minutes
Cost per Pupil: £3

This tour is linked to the development of Church, state, and society in Britain 1509-1745 on the Key Stage 3 History National Curriculum.

The 16th century Reformation caused the greatest ever upheaval in the life and fabric of Exeter Cathedral. Begun under the reign of King Henry VIII, the break with Rome led to a complete rethinking of the way people related to God, the Bible, and the Church itself. Take a closer look at some of the damage inflicted at that time and learn how the lives of the Cathedral, and its inhabitants, were changed forever.

Links: History, Art, PSHE, RE/RSE/SMSC – we are happy to make sure your relevant theme requirements are covered, just let us know what they are.