Learning Visit Booking Form

Learning Visit Booking Form


Exeter Cathedral is committed to safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. The Cathedral’s safeguarding policy is regularly reviewed and kept up to date with national guidance and can be found via our website or by request of the Learning Officer.

No child should be left unsupervised in the Cathedral. We are committed to following government and Church of England guidelines for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. The minimum supervision ratios set out in those guidelines help ensure the safety of these vulnerable groups. We will always indicate the minimum supervision ratio for your visit on the confirmation form.

We want every group to arrive reassured that everyone in the Cathedral is abiding by the same rules and protected by the measures we have in place.

Education Booking Form (#13)

Please note:

  1.   Exeter is a working Cathedral and services can take place at very short notice. If your visit will be affected, we will contact you as soon as possible to rearrange your visit. NB. Concert rehearsals often happen.
  2. Roof tours are for ages 8 and above and a maximum of 12 pupils at a time, please bear this in mind when booking if you want all your pupils to have the same experience. 
  3. Invoices will be generated after your visit based on the total number of pupils who attended on the day. The lead teacher will be requested to sign an invoice receipt at the Welcome Desk to confirm this number before our finance team generate an invoice and send it to the email address given above. If you wish the invoice to be sent to a different address, please provide that too. Please note, for all joint tours with our city partners you will only receive one invoice from the Cathedral which covers the complete cost of the trip.
  4. Most of our guides are volunteers who give up their free time to provide tours. Guides are booked specifically for pre-arranged tour times and will wait up to 20 minutes for parties who are delayed.

If you anticipate that you will be late, please contact reception on 01392 255573. If you are over 20 minutes late and we have received no message from you, then we cannot guarantee that your tour will take place – we will offer you the option of a self-led visit instead. It helps if you can prepare your pupils for the visit – especially if you are having a self-led tour. Conduct in the Cathedral is very important in the way you and others use the building.

Remember that the Cathedral is a place of worship. The building itself and the ceremony of the building needs to be respected.

  • On the hour a duty chaplain will say prayer for visitors. Please stand still and quiet for a couple of minutes at this time, so others can pray.
  • Please no food or drink in the Cathedral unless you have been given special permission from the Learning Officer.
  • Pupils must walk around with a designated adult.
  • You are more than welcome to use the Cathedral toilets – please get a code from the Welcome Desk.
  • If you are using the Pearson storage area you must be accompanied by a member of Cathedral staff and one member of the school/college staff must also accompany any pupils.
  • The benches in the cloister area can be used and you can also sit on the grass or out on the Cathedral Green. However, this cannot be booked, as they are areas used by members of the public.
  • Candle lighting must be supervised by an adult.

The information that you provide on this form will be held by Exeter Cathedral to enable us to process your booking. The data will be stored on a secure computer system and used to administer the booking and will be destroyed as soon as it is no longer required. The details you provide will only be used by Exeter Cathedral. We will never swap, share, or sell your information to a third party. You can ask to be removed from our records at any time by emailing [email protected] or by writing to the address above. Our Privacy Policy gives more detail of how we use and protect your information. You can view it at www.exetercathedral.org.uk/privacy-policy or ask us to provide you with a copy.