Please read the following Terms and Conditions before booking your Roof Tour or Onwards and Upwards Tour of Exeter Cathedral.
Please read the following terms and conditions, they are for your safety.
There are over 100 steps to the roof. If you suffer from a health condition such as heart problems, breathing difficulties, claustrophobia, vertigo etc. this tour is not recommended.
Footwear: The stairs are steep, narrow and uneven, it is essential that suitable footwear is worn. Persons wearing high heels, flip flops or with bare feet will not be permitted on the tour. Sandals must be of a type secured front and back. Please do not wear shoes with metal protectors on the bottom, as these are liable damage the building fabric. The Guide’s decision on suitability is final.
If you are in the advanced stages of pregnancy please consider if this tour is for you. Our staff will be happy to advise.
Children under the age of 8yrs are not permitted on the tour.
Children between the ages of 8yrs and 16yrs must be accompanied by an adult on a one-to one basis, with the exception of school groups who must be subject to a specific risk assessment.
Backpacks, bulky bags or luggage cannot be accommodated on the tour, we have no storage facilities within the Cathedral so please do not bring these items with you.
There are no toilets in the roof so please avail yourself of the facilities at ground level before any of our roof tours, some of which could last up to 2 hours.
For safety reasons access to the north tower or inside the roof may not be permitted due to adverse weather.
The lead Cathedral Guide is in charge of the tour; anyone not following the Guide’s instruction will be escorted back to the ground floor level and the whole tour will be prematurely ended.
The Cathedral reserves the right to refuse any visitor admittance on a roof tour if deemed to be in breach of any of the above or for safety reasons. This will be for everyone’s safety. The Cathedral’s decision is final and no refunds will be given.
“Exeter Cathedral is architecture as theatre.”
“A lovely way to spend the afternoon for the whole family.”
“Really lovely, and unexpectedly ‘wow.’”
“I am in a wheelchair, but I could see everything (pretty much!)”
“Well worth the sore neck from time spent looking heavenwards!”
“An oasis of calm…”
“A beautiful choir sang the mass and all the people were friendly and welcoming.”