The Development

The Development Appeal aims to raise £10 million in the coming five years. With support from generous grant-giving Trusts and Foundations, donations and legacy gifts we have been able to complete the first phase of Chapter House refurbishment works with a new glass lobby, underfloor heating and a new lighting scheme. In the next phase we aim to:

  • undertake renovation and conservation to East End of the Cathedral in 2022-2025, and build the Cloister Gallery (about half the footprint of the Cathedral – see plan below).
  • raise funding for the music endowment, to be invested with the Exeter Cathedral Music Foundation Trust
  • undertake other works to the estate as needed eg. Church House, Cloister offices, properties and the Cathedral Green

A further appeal, estimated at some £13 million, will follow in the next five years to 2030 to complete the works to the Cathedral Nave and entrances at the West End, and to further improve our facilities, to deliver effective working, increased exhibition capacity and the long-term viability of our other key buildings.

The Development Appeal aims to undertake renovation and conservation to the East End of the Cathedral and build the Cloister Gallery.

We recognise that £10m is a large sum to raise, but are encouraged to think this is achievable even in the current uncertain times for a number of reasons:

  • The international significance of the building
  • The urgent need for conservation of the historic fabric
  • People’s goodwill to the Cathedral across Devon
  • Our strong leadership and governing body
  • Our reputation in the past for successful appeals and 
  • The skills and experience of our professional Design team.


Funds raised, after allowing for project costs, will be applied to development project objectives. If the identified objectives cannot be met, the net income will be applied to the charitable objectives of the Dean and Chapter, as will any surplus.