Religion in modern Europe: Some unexpected challenges

Religion in modern Europe: Some unexpected challenges

Tuesday 18 March at 7pm

A lecture at Exeter Cathedral, delivered by Professor Grace Davie.

The starting point of this lecture can be found in the work of Tomáš Halik, and in particular his most recent book The Afternoon of Christianity: The Courage to Change. Halik – a Czech Catholic priest trained in both theology and sociology – emphasizes the importance of context in understanding the place of religion in modern societies. Context is considered in terms of time as well as space and is constantly changing.

The second section draws briefly on an article that Professor Grace Davie published in 2006, which focused on the factors to take into account in understanding the religious situation in Europe at the turn of the millennium.

The third section indicates the changes that have taken place since then and the reasons for these. Some changes were expected; others less so, notably the growth of populism right across Europe and the place of religion in this. The mood is darker. The key to understanding these shifts is to “hold together” two much-studied phenomena: continuing – indeed remorseless – secularization and growing religious diversity. The implications are considerable.

About Professor Grace Davie:

Former Director of the University of Exeter’s Centre for European Studies, Professor Davie also worked in many other European universities during her highly successful sociological career. Having gained an undergraduate degree in Sociology at Exeter in 1967, Davie went on to achieve a doctorate at the London School of Economics in 1975, writing her doctoral thesis on the political aspects of the French Protestant community in the interwar period.

Though now retired, Davie continues to pursue her interests in the sociology of religion with recent publications from 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2023, and maintains her role as a Lay Canon at the Anglican Diocese of Europe.

This event is free to attend but please book your ticket in advance to guarantee a space.