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The Civic Welcome of ‘King Henry VIII’ by the Lord Mayor of Exeter

The Civic Welcome of ‘King Henry VIII’ by the Lord Mayor of Exeter

Thursday 13 June, 12pm – 12:30pm at Exeter Guildhall and Exeter Cathedral

Witness a civic welcome of ‘King Henry VIII’ by the Lord Mayor of Exeter, starting from Exeter Guildhall to Exeter Cathedral:


  • Procession of dignitaries – including ‘Henry VIII,’ the Lord Mayor, and the Earl of Devon – from the Guildhall to Exeter Cathedral, led by the Civic Mace, historic Henry VII Sword and Cap of Maintenance. The procession will be met by the clergy of Exeter Cathedral.


  • Greeting at the Cathedral’s West Front, including ceremonial Tudor music performed by Exeter University Chapel Choir, and His Majesty’s Sagbutts and Cornetts – a renowned group of virtuoso wind players specialising in playing Renaissance and Baroque music in historically appropriate styles on original instruments.
  • Speech of welcome by the City Recorder, followed by the Lord Mayor’s pledge of loyalty to the Crown and presentation of a gift on behalf of the city of Exeter, to ‘King Henry.’
  • Entry into the Cathedral, singing the traditional Te DeumLaudamus (‘We praise thee, O God’) and an enactment of the Royal veneration of relics at the Nave Altar.
  • Civic procession departure from Exeter Cathedral, accompanied by instrumental fanfares, returning to the Guildhall.

All are welcome to attend!

Part of Historic Royal Palaces’ Henry VIII on Tour.

Find out more about Henry VIII on tour >