Chorister Voice Trials

Photos by Emma Solley

The Chorister Voice Trials are for children in years 2-5 who wish to audition for the chance to become an Exeter Cathedral Chorister.

Application Deadline: Wednesday 12 March 2025.

What to Expect at the Voice Trial?

The 2025 Voice Trials will take place on:

Saturday 15 March 2025

All candidates and parents/guardians are asked to arrive at the main entrance of the Cathedral during the morning (the time will be confirmed nearer to the time, once final numbers are known. Candidates may wear any casual, comfortable clothes and should bring the music for their prepared song and any musical instrument(s) as appropriate.

The children will receive an individual audition assessed by Timothy Noon (Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral) and Michael Stephens-Jones (Assistant Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral).

A Choristership at Exeter Cathedral is worth 25% of the day fees at Exeter Cathedral School. In cases of financial need, additional funds may be available to assist with the payment of school fees. These are administered by Exeter Cathedral School, who will be pleased to discuss funding options with the families of successful Chorister candidates.

The children’s assessments will include:

  • Singing a prepared song or hymn (this does not need to be anything complicated; it should be a song that your child is familiar with and really enjoys singing). It is extremely helpful if children bring the musical accompaniment for their prepared piece with them so that Mr Stephens-Jones can accompany them;
  • Playing a musical instrument if applicable (this is not compulsory);
  • Ear tests e.g. singing notes played on the piano; tests of musicality. We will do our very best to put the children at ease and make the occasion an enjoyable one for them as we want them to do their best and to be relaxed, happy and confident.

We will do our very best to put the children at ease and make the occasion an enjoyable one for them as we want them to do their best and to be relaxed, happy and confident.

The Decision Process

Following the Voice Trial day, the Cathedral Assistant Director of Music, the Headmaster, the Assistant Head and a member of the Cathedral Clergy will meet to discuss the results from all the assessments. We will hope to inform parents of decisions within one week of the Voice Trial day.

It is important to understand that auditions for the Cathedral Choir are necessarily a very selective process and not everyone can succeed. The number of places is strictly limited in any given year and younger candidates may be encouraged to return for a further voice audition the following year if their voices have not yet developed sufficiently. It is also perhaps worthy of note that several of our current and past Choristers had unsuccessful auditions here or elsewhere before they were offered a Choristership.

If you would like to discuss the Chorister Voice Trials with a member of the Exeter Cathedral Music Department, please email Director of Music, Timothy Noon >